

As reported earlier, Filmstar Shaan will host a morning show on GEO TV, the main points of the show are now finally being disclosed by the network.Geo TV has been promoting its latest morning TV show for quite sometime. The promos of “Kuch aur aanay wala hai” were being aired for the promotions of their upcoming morning TV show on GEO NEWS. This time, Geo TV has brought the lollywood actor Armaghan Shahid (popularly referred to as Shaan) on board. Read More

As we reported earlier, Morning Show Host Nadia Khan to make a jumpback on GEO TV. Today, the news has now been confirmed as Geo TV has officially started the promotions of the show on its network.Just today, an advertisement is appeared on the front page of Jang Newspaper, showing the most popular morning show host of Pakistan, Nadia Khan. The return of Nadia Khan on Geo TV Network would be a treat for millions of her fans worldwide.Check out below one of the advertisement posters which is being used for the promotions of new Nadia Khan Show:

Pakistan traces its history back to 2,500 years B.C., when a highly developed civilization flourished in the Indus Valley. Excavations at Harrappa, Moenjodaro, Kot Diji and Mehr Garh have brought to light, the evidence of an advanced civilization existing even in more ancient times. Around 1,500 B.C., the Aryans overwhelmed this region and influenced the Hindu civilization, whose centre moved to Ganges valley, further east. Later, the Persians occupied the northern region in the 5th century B.C. up to the 2nd century AD. The Greeks came in 327 B.C., under Alexander of Macedonia, and passed away like a meteor. In 712 AD, the Arabs, led by Muhammad Bin Qasim, landed somewhere near modern Karachi and ruled the lower half of Pakistan for 200 years. During this time, Islam took roots in the soil and influenced the life, culture and traditions of the people. Read More

As announced earlier, eligible voters can now verify the status of their votes in the new computerized voter lists prepared by Election Commission of Pakistan by just sending an SMS via their mobile phones.Service has been up an running for all operators, throughout the country. Read More

The natural tendency when someone dies too young is to mourn the potential of a life that was cruelly ended before a person could achieve anything. In the case of the 16-year-old Arfa Karim Randhawa, who died on January 14 after complications resulting from an epileptic stroke, that natural desire to mourn should also be accompanied by celebration of a person who in her short life, did manage to achieve more than what most of us could hope for in their lifetimes. Read More

Have You Ever Considered Working Online?

Ayesha Khan from Lahore never thought that she would, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple online form. Before she knew it, she discovered her secret to beating the recession, and being able to provide for her family while at home.

I read Ayesha Khan blog last month and decided to feature her story in our local job report. In our phone interview she told me her amazing story. “I basically make about $500-$2000 a month online. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 2-3 hours a day from home.

We interviewed Home Income Cash Systems to find out more about why more and more people are joining there system:

‘We are so confident that people will make money using this system within the first few days, that we are letting people use our system without paying a penny! We currently get around 800 people joining us every day, mostly with very little computer experience.’

‘People are fed up of the scams out there and now is the time people can take advantage of making money from home, or anywhere in the world’ Read More

This holy month of fasting, turning inward, and purifying oneself is considered the most sacred month for Muslims throughout the world.Ramadan is considered one of the most sacred and important of Muslim holy observances.Outsiders to the Muslim faith may view Ramadan simply as the month of fasting, but the rituals and purpose of this time are much deeper than that. Read More